War Room: Enough with the Radical Spending the American people have had enough!

2 years ago

0 – 7:30 Invasion of the southern border due to no border policy
7:30 – 32:50 On midnight on September 30th, money runs out and on October 15th the government loses the ability to borrow more

The answer is no. This is what happens when democrats are in charge of congress, they ask for more and more money and they want to raise the debt ceiling. They can’t even get enough votes within their own caucus. The answer is NO. We’re playing smash mouth because they dug themselves into this hole and they need us to get out of it now and the answer is NO. We lost the country because we have the wrong people in leadership. We need to start having an adult conversation about the future of our country. We need to show them that we are the vast majority and in the next couple of days we are going to show them that we are the debtor in position, the dip lendor. The democrats need to pass their own budget and don’t let them get away with murder. They’ve had months and months and months to come up with a plan. Where is their plan? We are in a unique situation where they are stuck in a bind unless we give them the ok to allow a continued resolution. What the democrats want to do is to complicate the situation, but we have to focus on whats important. They are asking us for permission and we have to tell them NO NO NO. They own it and now its time for us to force them to own it. The democrats running this country only know one thing, more debt and more debt and destroying the dollar of this country. We can’t let Janet Yellen and wallstreet keep kicking the can down the road, we have to rip off the bandaid now. Everytime we raise the debt ceiling we make the situation worse and worse when the roosters eventually come home to roost. The federal government has forced us to consider alternatives like cryptocurrency with their radical spending. The federal government won’t secure the border but what they will do is destroy the dollar. We have all the power here. The nation can’t make its interest payments and we can’t keep going down this crazy modern monetary theory. We are bankrupt as a nation and we have to come to terms with that before its too late and restructure it accordingly. Here is what is essential, the country is bankrupt and the tell is that the government is asking for another credit card because they are stone cold out of cash. They cannot increase the debt ceiling unless we agree to it and we cannot let feckless republican politcians cow tow to this nonsense. They have to grow a spine and say NO. If they have a budget they should put it up and put it up for a vote. The deplorables have the power here, we have 100% of the power and MSNBC, CNN, and even a few conservative shows try to confuse the situation and muddy the waters but we have all the power here. When will the Americans say enough is enough, when the debt limit has hit 40 trillion dollars? 50 trillion dollars? They have to come up with a plan or else we have to say no because we can’t just let our children and grandchildren become debt slaves without a fight. Of all the crisis that the biden administration has caused, this economic contagion is the absolute worst, globally we are so overleveredged that if the dollar ever loses its reserve currency we are going to become just like Argentina. And notice how NBC and CNN will blame the repulibcans for causing the crisis for not raising the debt ceiling when in reality it’s the CCP virus that destroyed our economy along with the lockdowns.

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