Your Energy Goes Where Your Attention Flows.

2 years ago

Learn about the reticular activating system so you know how to program your subconscious to start manifesting what you want!

The reticular activation system is in the base of your brain just above your spinal cord. It acts as a filter to filter all the data coming in from the world around us through our senses, through sounds, tastes, touch, colour, images.

We can have up to 2,000000 bits of data coming into our brain at any one time.

Your brain can not process this, so the RAS filters the things it thinks is important to you.

So how does it know what is important?

By the words you say to yourself and the things you focus on.

Have you noticed people who say, I am not confident are not confident people?

How about I am not good enough to go for the promotion. Do they go for the promotion?

We must be very careful what we focus on because every second we are programming our reticular activating system.

So, when we focus on negative things and say things like. “There are not enough hours in the day”, we are always in a rush.

When we say, “Today is going to be stressful”, - guess what happens.

Your RAS will aim to prove that you are right, so it will always be looking for evidence to make the words you say to yourself correct.

The more proof you see, the greater you believe your thoughts to be true. The more you believe it, you will keep reinforcing this belief and it becomes your behaviours.

So self talk will tell your RAS what to look for, then it looks for proof, you prove your belief and then your belief gets deeper, and this sets your behaviour, and the cycle continues around and around, reinforcing your belief and finding evidence to make you correct..

Let me give you an example of the RAS working. You go buy yourself a new car, then when you are out driving, you see the same car everywhere. The cars were always there but now your RAS is noticing them.

Another example is you go to meet a client or friend in a busy restaurant. Your RAS knows what to look for, so it will find your friend or client easily. It will scan through the crowd to find what you want.

Watch the video to learn how you can use this knowledge to enhance your life!

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