Acer c720 mod/refurb Pt. 8.2 Ubuntu & The End

2 years ago

Here it is!! Linux/Ubuntu installed on the stock 16GB ssd(have another 128gb m.2 ssd on the way) and a couple of awesome pros. You don't have to worry about the keyboard & mousepad since chromeOS is Linux based. Second these(chromebooks) run a lot smoother (just my opinion)with any distro besides chrome but that's kind of a given lol

I recommend trying out a distro called "PopOS" made completely for beginners of Linux but also steam friendly as well. I learned on Ubuntu an install it if any client asks for a Linux Distro. Thanks to everyone who tuned in to this mini-series(my first) hope it helped out! It was fun to make :) don't forget to like sub and comment....What would you like to see me mod?? Another Chromebook brand?

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