Why psychopaths will never stop cheating

3 years ago

Do you have absolute proof that your partner is cheating — but he or she denies it? When you confront your partner about cheating, does he or she say it's your fault? Or does he or she promise to be faithful — and immediately goes back to cheating?

In this episode of Lovefraud Live!, Donna Andersen, author of Lovefraud.com, explains four reasons why psychopaths will never stop cheating, not matter what you do.

This is a live streaming show, so ask your questions by chat and Donna will answer.


1. Get your exclusive Lovefraud checklist, Is your partner a sociopath?

2. If you want to discuss your situation with someone who may be a sociopath, Donna Andersen offers private, personal consultations.


3. Get Donna Andersen's books, including the new "Best of the Lovefraud Blog" Series:
• Understanding the Sociopath
• Seduced by a Sociopath
• Dealing with a Sociopath
• Recovery from the Sociopath


4. Lovefraud Continuing Education offers webinars for survivors and therapists.


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