Social Media Censorship

2 years ago

Social media censorship is a bigger problem then you currently realize. And if you haven’t been censored on social media yet, perhaps it is because you have not expressed your true opinion related to certain subjects on certain platforms.

Whatever the case may be, we should be very mindful of the impact that social media censorship could have on individuals and companies alike.

What happens when the CEO of a company is found to have voted for a particular political candidate that the social media platforms are in opposition of?

This may sound like a far-fetched scenario now, however, studies show that snowballs tend to get bigger as they roll down hill.

Because social media companies are private entities, they have every right to censor anyone they want to. However, you also have the right not to use those social media platforms.

When your enemy is being censored freedom is no longer your ally.

And if misinformation is truly misinformation, then that information should be fall apart in the face of truth.

But when you label that information as misinformation you make that misinformation sound like truth you don’t want people to know.

In short, social media censorship actually accomplishes is the opposite of what it’s intending to do.

The fact that adults have to be kept from certain information shows that those in power believe that the masses aren’t capable of critical thinking.

If nothing changes, I predict that humanity will continue to live in alternative mental universes… even more than we already do.

#socialmedia #media #marketing #facebook #people #censorship

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