Dr. Malone throwing down actual science.

2 years ago

"The truth is it's the vaccinated who are creating the risk., not the unvaccinated..." - Robert W Malone, MD, Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug

If we don't stop mass vaccination of everyone, we are really heading into nasty problems, including driving disease risk into ever younger age groups. It should only have been the vulnerable who were vaccinated.

And it's grotesquely obscene that the West has been trying to jab - even mandate - every person! Half the population is immune and therefore only gets risk from being vaccinated (and increased risk at that).

Only a fraction of the population is vulnerable to the disease COVID-19. Yet the vulnerable in poor countries don't get access to the vaccine, whilst those with robust immunity, and who don't stand to benefit, get vaccinated in the West.

The West is needlessly gorging on these "leaky" vaccines in the heat of a pandemic, thereby driving new epidemic waves and driving disease risk downwards into ever younger age groups.

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