9-27-21 CIA was ready to wage gun battle To snatch Assange, bombshell report claims

3 years ago

CIA was ready to wage gun battle in London streets against Russian operatives to kill or snatch Assange, bombshell report claims
Under Obama, the CIA wanted to define Julian Assange and other journalists as “information brokers” in order to ramp up their spying on them. And during the Trump era, it prepared plans to abduct or kill the WikiLeaks founder.

The claims about the extraordinary lengths to which the CIA under Director Mike Pompeo were prepared to go to get Assange were made on Sunday in a Yahoo News report based on interviews with more than 30 former US officials. The report offers an insight into how the US national security apparatus was escalating its war with WikiLeaks under two consecutive US administrations.
"""""""""""""Link To Report Below""""""""""""""""

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