Sen. Wendy Rogers ~ “This is our new Declaration of Independence. This is our manifesto of freedom."

2 years ago


Following the historic #AZAudit results presented to the Arizona State Senate on Friday, September 24th, 2021, AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers unveiled a letter signed by 41 state legislators from across the country, calling for forensic audits in each state, urging their states to decertify the 2020 election if their audit results parallel those in Arizona.

“This is our new Declaration of Independence. This is our manifesto of freedom. This is going out publicly right now, and this was signed by 40 state representatives and 40 state legislators/state senators from around the United States. I’m going to read this to you, and this is going to be a seminal moment...”

~Wendy Rogers, AZ State Senator {September 24, 2021}

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