My Baby Hates The Car - Stop Car Seat Crying | Baby Sleep Magic

2 years ago

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This is a very common situation particular with newborn babies. However these is always something you can do to try and achieve an enjoyable car trip.

✔ Try offering a feed 10-15mins before leaving to ensure you baby isnt hungry
✔ For newborns try using a swaddle and "tuck" your baby in, as this replicates the snug and familar feeling of being the womb and will help keep bub calm.
✔ For newborns - Use “white noise” in the car - via your phone or through your bluetooth speaker
✔ Keep a special box of soft, safe car toys that you’ll use only in the car.
✔ Hang toys up for viewing - Place them just at arm’s reach so that your baby can bat at them from her seat.
✔ Experiment with different types of music in the car.
Some babies enjoy lullabies or music CDs made especially for young children; others surprise you by calming down as soon as you play one of your favorites. Some babies enjoy hearing Mum or Dad sing, more than anything else!
✔Practice with short, pleasant trips when your baby is in a good mood. It helps if someone can sit near them and keep them entertained. A few good experiences may help set a new pattern.
✔Hang a mirror - That way your baby can see you (and you can see your baby) while you are driving.
✔Put up a sunshade in the window - This can be helpful if you suspect that sunshine in your baby’s face may be a problem.
✔Try opening a window as fresh air and a nice breeze can be soothing.

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