Malachi 3:16 Night with Annette 092321

2 years ago

Online Open Bible Time! Completing Proverbs 8:14 -36 Wisdom's Call
Then they that reverenced (feared) the Lord got together to discuss His Word, His thoughts and endeavored to know Him more... (my interpretation, based on Malachi 3:16,17 and Jeremiah 9:23,24) How wonderful is our God! His magnificent in all His ways! Join me as we dig into the remaining verses in Proverbs 8. Lining the KJV and the TPT versions to gain insight into what our God is saying, Wisdom speaks, are you listening? Be blessed more and know that He delights when you delight in coming to know Him more! The gospel message shared at the end was very meaningful as the Lord's presence was so great, tears were filling my eyes as His love was filling my heart! My cup runneth over!

Surely, Your (Father God's) goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (His House) forever. Amen!

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