On Paid Trolls that Attack George Lucas & Expanded Universe

2 years ago

Have any of you ever seen the photograph of when George Lucas “signed“ Star Wars to Disney? Have you ever looked at that photograph? I did. Did you see the look on George Lucas‘s face? It looked as if his family was being threatened with death and torture or that he had been tortured and he was signing under duress. I didn’t see a single glint of joy or happiness or peace in his face. I saw fear and pain. Like his soul has been sucked out. I suspect that Disney wanted Star Wars so bad they would do anything to get it. But what I’m saying here is that they’ve been working to break down the public appearance, the public narrative, about Star Wars for a long time. They’ve been paying trolls and magazines and troll farms and rabble-rousers and pate think tanks and Hollywood media critics in their pocket to talk bad about George Lucas, about Star Wars, and about the expanded universe. They’ve been doing this to manufacture an artificial public opinion about Star Wars. The fans are not persnickety, I suspect the trolls paid by Disney are. By creating all of this personal abuse against George Lucas they could create the perception that there was a disconnect when there actually was no disconnect. Star Wars is the victim of fake news and organized communist action. I’m a true Star Wars fan and I love George Lucas and what he made. All of what he made. And if George Lucas wanted to do anything I would support that. I love the spirit of what he made. It’s different from the spirit of Woke left at Disney. Disney is not Star Wars. No offense to Daisy Ridley and Anthony Boyega, they were fine and great, and BB8 was fine as well, but it was Disney that really messed everything up.

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