Reiner Füllmich and Doctors from all over - Undeclared components of corona vaccines

3 years ago

Undeclared components of corona vaccines
Looking under the microscope
On Monday, 20/09/2021, a press conference of the Corona Committee was held at the Reutlingen Pathological Institute. The press conference was called "Death by vaccines - undeclared components of COVID-19 vaccines", where the results of eight autopsies of people who died after the Corona vaccine (COVID19). The delicate tissue surgeries were performed by the pathologists Prof. Dr Arne Burckhardt and Prof. Dr Walter Lang.
The findings of Prof. Dr Peter Shirmacher confirm that amongst more than 40 corpses he operated on after death, which died within two weeks of being vaccinated for corona, about a third of the deaths were caused as a result of the vaccine.

Microscopic details of the tissue changes were presented during the live press conference.
The press conference also presented the results of the analysis of corona vaccine samples by an Austrian research group, consistent with the findings of scientists from Japan and the US. Vaccines found components containing metal that were not declared.

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