Perry Georgia 9/25 Speech- Powerful Closing

2 years ago

We will hold China Responsible
We will restore the right to free speech
We will protect innocent life
We will restore patriotic education for our kids
This Nation does not belong to them it belongs to (you)
This is your home this is your heritage and and you magnificent American Liberty is your God given right.
The citizens of the USA will not be told how to live what to do what to think or what to say, we are a free proud and sovereign people and we have to take back our Country. We are not going to let it be taken away from us.
We will not be afraid of woke lunatics
We are Americans and there is nothing that Americans Cannot do
We will not bend
We will not break
We will not yield
we will never give in
We will never give up
we will never back down
We never ever surrender.
Our Movement has just begun, in fact our FIGHT has only just begun
This is the greatest movement perhaps in any country ever.
And we will see it through to the end.
We will make america powerful again.
We will make america wealthy again.
We will make america strong again.
We will make america proud again.
We will make america safe again.
We will make america great again.

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