THE EVENT PART 1 (MACHINIMA, you chose the next event (formerly))

3 years ago

I thought this might be a fun way to tell a narrative. This is the first part of a mini series I am calling, THE EVENT.

Chaos has engulfed the city. Emergency personnel rush to the scene, only to find themselves cut down by an unseen force. Within the span of a day, city services have been brought to a complete stand still, and the city itself, looks like a ghost town.

So at the end of this video, and this is where the fun begins, you, the viewer, will be presented with a few options. Please leave your vote in the comments for the action you would like to see our hero, Capt. Jackson take as the second part moves forward with the option selected by the most votes. Voting ends at the end of FEB. 2020, however, since this is so new, and might take a little time for folks to find, I am open to extending that voting deadline by a few weeks.

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