3 years ago

It can be so incredibly difficult being an empath. Suddenly something can pop up on the tv screen or somebody you know can say something in all innocence and BOOM! You are nearly incapacitated. It could be a sad story, or story of mans inhumanity to man.
Well whatever it is it just knocks us out and we are almost unable to function. Some people are sensitive and call themselves empaths. But real empaths will know what I mean. It can create such a strong reaction that we feel nearly paralyzed It is so hard to go through life this way because you almost feel like a victim. It is almost like taking a physical blow to the body. And seriously you need time to recover. And how do we recover, anyway? Well, I developed this one technique that has really helped me cope and I thought I could pass it on in case it helps you yoo.
OK so this has to do with the inner chid. You know, that little kid that is inside of us--or just remember yourself as a little child. It seems that when I am upset, it is the little kid in me that is upset. This is so strange. I realized I am OK,,the adult me--but this little kid in me is upset, or in pain. As soon as I connect with this inner kid, it feels like there are two of me--the kid and the adult.
I immediately feel some reliefI immediately say in my head "Its OK" "Its OK" "Its OK" I tell her you areOK, you are safe, and all is well. I tell her there is an adult in charge here." I keep this inner dialogue going as long as needed and talk to her as if she were a real chid (in my head of course) saying things like, "I love you" "I will never abandon you" "you are safe" and anythig else I can think of.
Some people call this the Ego, or the Wounded Child. I never knew there was an inner child inside observing everything, and feeling everything. Nowadays, I catch and process these heavy emotions more quickly and am able to regain balance in much less time. Hopefully this has been of some help to you also. God bless you and your Inner Ch

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