3 years ago

Back in January of this year, actually the day before Pelosi's Afterschool Playhouse Theatre, I posted a video enlightening all about my views on DJT's forming of Space Force...which at the time was touted as an 'off the cuff' type of action by his own account. There's even a video clip of him saying exactly that! However it was my opinion at the time that it was far from an 'off the cuff' action or comment but in fact a cover for a very highly thought out plan to eliminate all of the corrupt 3 letter agencies and replace them with this new conglomerate agency made up of all of the remaining people who were NOT corrupt and combine them with the highest intelligence agency, which we all know to be the core group of 'Whitehats'! And bingo bango bongo along comes Space Force BIGLY, and as we can see the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ et al. are all falling apart and being systematically dismantled behind the scenes as we speak.
Leave it to our beloved Leader of the free world to bring that lovely little tidbit of information to the worlds attention again tonight at exactly the end of the 17 minute mark of the 2nd hour (hmmm?) of his speech where he says 'And Don't forget Spaceforce'!! Had to get that in before it flipped to the 18th minute and during that entire 17th minute he lambasted and skewered General Milktoast Milley which was not only hilarious but TRUE!! Can this man really be this GOOD?? God I hope so!! Too funny and oh so poignant and enlightening Roasting the corrupt TV General ON TV during the 17th minute before ending that swift slap in Milleys face right at the end of that 17th minute by reminding that traitorous bastard that SPACEFORCE has it ALL and they are coming for his flabby 'stupid' ass!!

Here is the clip of my Space Force blurb and his of the cuff comment which I posted the day before the Jan 6th False Flag!!

My ODIN senses were on high alert then and have been ever since!

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