Danette York Strikes Again (8-10-21 BOS Covid Update)

2 years ago

In her open contempt of those who would dare question the “vaccine”, Butte County Public Health Director Danette York presents an “outlandish” imaginary scenario to discredit adverse reaction events as illegitimate. She suggests someone would be able to go to VAERS six months after receiving an injection to blame a bladder infection on the vaccine. While she claims that to be an “outlandish” scenario, it may not be so much so after all. We know for a fact that nano lipids are settling in ovaries and testicles and that the spike proteins get generated in different tissues and start attacking those tissues (like the heart). It’s not far-fetched that it could also attack the kidneys and the linings of the urinary tract system. The woman is self -described as “not a clinician”. We have her on a different video admitting that she did not know the ingredients in the vaccine she touts so adamantly. We also have her on yet another video not knowing that the PCR tests had been recalled by the CDC because they cannot differentiate between flu and Covid. Then, in an attempt to exonerate herself from such a flub, she said that “the reason why the CDC revoked the old test is because they have a new test that tests for both flu and Covid.” You can’t make this stuff up. She’s completely clueless. She is also caught on another video on this channel saying “why do we need therapeutics when we have a vaccine?” when she was prompted by the public about why our hospitals are not treating patients with Ivermectin and HCQ which have been proven to save lives and shorten the duration of illness and prevent hospitalizations when given early enough in the correct doses.

In this video, she also fails to recognize the fact that it is estimated that less than 1% of all adverse reactions are actually getting reported through the VAERS system. This is because of two reasons. First, doctors and nurses are being told not to report their patients’ adverse reactions and to sweep it under the mat. Secondly, when patients themselves (if they are lucky enough to survive their adverse reactions) go onto the CDC VAERS website, they find a circular loop that never lands them onto the platform where they can submit their report. Try it yourself. You’ll see that it’s impossible to submit a report on that website. I know when I had to report my dad‘s adverse reaction, because his own doctor wouldn’t do it, I had to go to the Pfizer website to report it. That was very challenging as well but at least it was possible.

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