Covid is Over in Norway!! 3703

3 years ago

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Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup!

The Arizona Senate met yesterday to receive the presentation of several auditors who were hired to get to the bottom of whether or not there was election fraud associated with the 2020 election.

What they found was that although a variety of computers and servers were illegally connected to the Internet during the election, most of the incriminating data had been wiped the day before the audit commenced.

However, the tidal wave of evidence of outright criminality on the part of election officials and/or malicious cyber security experts in their employ is so overwhelming that I’m going to post the second of the 6 presenters in their totality in an attempt to preserve the core of the case made by the audit for historical preservation purposes.

This presentation was by Ben Cotton, a former U.S. Special Forces operator and top cybersecurity expert. He explains how computer operators working for Maricopa County tried to erase all evidence of the election from their servers, but in cybersecurity, everything leaves tell tail trails behind and Ben explains how he found them and what they mean.
Most importantly, about the middle of his 52-minute presentation, he explains how by syncing up the few remaining computer logs with security camera footage of the server room, he can even name some of the nefarious players who committed these felonious acts – such as wiping all the election data from the servers the day before the audit was to commence.

This is exactly what the Arizona Senate feared would happen and is why they went from court to court trying to get those servers protected, but alas, on the last possible day before control of the servers changed hands into a truly secure setting, they were wiped.

However, the perpetrators will surely face a raging form of justice as their identities are now known and have been handed over to the Arizona Attorney General for investigation and prosecution.

When this was revealed the Senate chamber broke into immediate cheering and applause because finally someone would be going to jail for their election 2020 crimes.

This is the takeaway lesson for all states – to have real chain-of-custody that guarantees election integrity, it’s much more complex than was previously realized.

First of all, real chain-of-custody is impossible without paper ballots – at least as backups. If you start out your voting by marking on a computer screen, then that automatically complexifies election security by a factor of 10.

However, even if you convert your voting system to all paper ballots, at some point those numbers must be converted into computer system storage. But if computer systems are not secure, you really haven’t accomplished much.

Fortunately for Arizona, they had paper ballots to revert to, however,
Arizona made another mistake there; they did not have a standard certified grade of paper upon which these millions of mail-in ballots were printed, so there was no way to deduce which ballots – if any – were forgeries, despite the audit being equipped with state-of-the-art microscopic scanners.

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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