Near-Death Experience - Oliver John Calvert - Take Care Of The Earth, Animals, One Another

3 years ago


I heard a voice say to me, “You have not fulfilled your purpose here.”

I said, “What is my purpose?”

And this voice says to me, “The same as every man. You were put on the Earth to take care of the Earth...”

We, as men, are here to take care of the Earth. That’s one of our responsibilities. It was very personal. He said, “You’re not to strip mine the Earth. You’re not to pollute the Earth. You’re not to destroy your home.” And I was being indicted, because I was responsible. I was a litterer. I was one that didn’t care about nature or the environment at all. And this was a beautiful home that God had created for me to live in and enjoy.

And [The Voice] said, “Secondly, you’re here for the animals. They look up to you. You’re the one with the spirit. You’re the one with reason, with intelligence, with the strength to change things, the ability to protect them and take care of them and do for them. They don’t have that ability. And yet you destroy species after species.”

And I knew that I was responsible, partly responsible. I had hunted for sport. I had no concern for animals. I never showed any compassion. I didn’t have any compassion for animals or men.

And [The Voice] said, “Thirdly, and most importantly, you’re here for each other. And you -- this imperative, YOU -- I sent to be part of the answer. You’ve just been part of the problem.”


This video is excerpted from a much longer video that is located here:


Included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


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The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

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