Open Canuck Theist 32 - Letter To Town Council part 1

2 years ago

1. Negligence Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. N.1
2. Case law implied bill of rights:
Summary: The Bank Taxation Act; The Credit of Alberta Regulation Act; and the Accurate News and Information Act, SCR 100 ,1938
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled on the Reference re Alberta Statutes. It found that the Accurate News and Information Act, along with the others submitted to it for evaluation, was ultra vires (beyond the powers of) the Alberta government. In the case of the Accurate News and Information Act, the court found that the Canadian constitution included an "implied bill of rights" that protected freedom of speech as being critical to a parliamentary democracy. This determined that the provinces cannot override fundamental rights.
3. Case law light to sue for breach of privacy:
Jones v. Tsige, 2012
Summary: The Ontario Court of Appeal declared that the common law in Canada recognizes a right to personal privacy, more specifically identified as a "tort of intrusion upon seclusion", as well as considering that appropriation of personality is already recognized as a tort in Ontario law.
4. Employment contract law and precedents.
5. Criminal Code of Canada section 265(3) regarding consent, R.S., c. C-34, s. 244 1974-75-76, c. 93, s. 21 1980-81-82-83, c. 125, s. 19
6. The Nuremberg Code.
7. Case law for informed consent:
Parmley vs Parlmey 1945
Page 645
Summary: Informed consent medical. Consent must be made freely and information about the risks must be given.
Hopp vs Lepp 1980
Page 196
Summary: Informed consent medical. Consent must be made freely and information about the risks must be given
R vs Ewanchuk 1999
If no consent, then assault
Summary: Where there is a threat of harm or reprisal or pressure from an authority there is no consent and therefore the act is assault.

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