Zakrzówek is a unique place on the map of Krakow.

2 years ago

Zakrzówek is a unique place on the map of Krakow. The Lagoon, Quarry and Skałki Twardowskiego attract Krakus like a magnet. And no wonder, because it offers the power to be active. Here you can walk, ride a bike, climb limestone walls, and finally peek from the escarpment to the charming lagoon. Especially since all of this is located literally 3 km from the city center. To get to your destination, you can easily use your car, as well as rush Krakow's public transport. As residents of Krakus, we come here often in search of a pleasant, unhurried afternoon. And we sincerely recommend a walk around Zakrzówek, both to residents and visitors.

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