SAMS WoL Farm School powered Re-Engineering of African Families & Businesses

2 years ago

EVERYONE can enable their Mother to join SAMS TQLMA Club with 10 PURE Gold Coins (20 CA$) to participate in Manufacturing of Biochar Stove by Dr Paul Olivier in Dalat Vietnam and earn 5300 PGCs to qualify for ownership of Solaroof Home in SAMS AMTU Climate Smart Campus Towns in The State of SCNRFP in Global Cities, Farms and Gold Mines.

SMEs can join SAMS TQLMA Club with 5300 PURE Gold Coins (US$7200) to participate in SAMS Climate Smart Biz Expo & Conference to select the STEM Graduate to double their income in 1000 Days.

STEM Graduated can own 5G Proof Home in 53 months in 110 Home Solaroof Community in SAMS Energime AMTU Climate Smart Campus Towns in Gold Mines and Farms of our World.

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