Why I Decided to Run for Governor of Nevada

2 years ago

In March of 2020 my parents got COVID. They both got really sick and it scared me. We got them on HCQ and it saved their lives.

COVID is real but there's TREATMENT!

When our skumbag #wge Governor banned this treatment I decided it was time to fight with everything I have and I've been fighting every day since.

When our skumbag #wge governor put our kids in masks and took away their sports, and suicide rates skyrocketed in Nevada's youth, I decided it was time to FIGHT!

Above all I fight for my beautiful 11 year old daughter and her future.

What #wge has done to our children, to our seniors, and to our businesses is criminal and has to be stopped.

When I saw who was entering the race I knew it was time to stand up and get in the ring for Nevada.

Nevada please fight with me and help me take Nevada back!



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