volcano invades city

2 years ago

volcano invades city

The lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is changing the appearance of the island of La Palma, and this has important social and environmental implications, but it also raises some unusual legal issues. What happens to the ownership of the land where the magma advances? According to the experts consulted, this natural catastrophe that happens in slow motion can trigger significant changes in different areas. On the other hand, if the lava finally reaches the sea, the volcanic rock can expand the surface of the Canary Islands, which requires resolving ownership of the new land. In some cases, according to the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGM), these outcrops in other locations have modified the maritime boundaries of countries. On the other hand, in La Palma the lava flow already covers land that has some owners, but whose uses have completely changed. The administrations involved will have to decide what to do with these areas when the magmatic material solidifies.

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