The Normalization of Sexualization throughout Society based off of Alfred Kinsey

2 years ago

There has been a push of the theory that individuals live on a continuum of sexuality. That children are sexual at birth. This mother was done with this concept.


Normalizing Pedophilia, the Advance of the Homosexual Agenda, and the Promotion of Pornography
May 3, 2021 by David Risselada
The following is a chapter from my last book, “Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest.” My new book, “Without a Shot Indeed: Inducing Compliance to Tyranny Through Persuasion and Conditioning” is moving along and should be available soon.

Most Americans would agree that the life of a child is precious and worthy of extra protection through rule of law. Stories of violent abuse against children tend to conjure up rage for many of us as we struggle to understand the complexities involved that drive, someone, to commit violent acts against a helpless child. Whether it is neglectful parenting that may lead to death or serious injury, or it is a willful attempt to batter, child abuse could be one of the nation’s biggest stigmas. As disturbing as these incidents are there is another form of abuse we are familiar with that is likely to do nothing less than leave a gaping hole in the hearts of those who experience any aspect of it, child sexual abuse. This can range from all-out sexual intercourse with a child, to fondling, making sexual comments, or exposing them to explicit sexual acts such as making them watch pornography. The thoughts of children having to experience this type of abuse whether it is from a relative or a stranger are appalling to most of us and are likely to have our stomachs twisting in knots. Unfortunately, there is not an easy explanation for child sexual abuse and there are even those who advocate for the right to freely engage in sexual activity with children. These groups believe that age of consent laws should be repealed and that young boys should be free to engage in sex with men because it is somehow beneficial to them. They are attempting to normalize the issue of pedophilia in much the same way homosexual marriage was normalized. Through incremental efforts to gain acceptance through public opinion and using the education system to push it on our children.

Gerald Hannon [1] is an individual heavily involved in turning the issue of “age of consent” into a human rights struggle and has expressed some interesting ideas of how to bring the issue to children in public schools. In fact, Hannon can be quoted as saying that there are not enough children involved in the homosexual movement, and attracting young people to it should be the movement’s next big challenge.

“At present, we do not have organizations that are chock-a-block full of young people…To attract young people to the gay movement in large numbers should be the challenge to the next phase of the movement. It is a challenge we have set ourselves.” (Hannon)

This should be concerning to all of us. Once again, a person genuinely concluding that they are gay is different than being pushed into exploring the possibility. Many activists argue that bringing awareness of homosexuality to our schools is necessary to alleviate the discrimination faced by homosexual students. One of Hannon’s ideas is to discredit the family and suggest that parents of children who are questioning their sexuality are nothing but a nuisance, old people trying to push their outdated values. He goes onto say that children’s notions of heterosexuality, which they must obey at home, should be presented as otherworldly or out of place and that adult mentors should guide young children into the belief that the traditional morality of their parents is wrong, and should be rejected. It should be noted at this point that the encouraging and promotion of homosexuality and other degenerate behavior is listed as one of the forty-five goals of the communist party [2] to destroy America’s morality.

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