Asia Raine - Understanding Cults In The Covid Era

3 years ago

Today on the Naturally Inspired Podcast Asia Raine is joining us.
Asia was a victim of the satanic ritual cult that runs the LDS/Mormon Church. This underground thread wove through her birth family, married family and high level leaders of the Mormon Church. She was programmed, tortured, raped and ritualized for 36 years. Asia is now the host of her own podcast called letters to the people where she uses her experience to help others through their trauma. Her podcast speaks boldly so truth can push through shame and guilt barriers and dissolve judgmental walls. It asks us to challenge identities, institutions and belief systems, demanding no less than our strength, intuitive grit and a healthy curiosity that is not easily polarized. Asia is uniquely qualified to help us understand how gaslighting tactics and mob mentality can convince even the smartest of people to overlook truth and what is right to preserve even their own well-being. I hope you enjoy this episode of Naturally Inspired with Asia Raine.
Please welcome Asia Raine to the Naturally Inspired Podcast.

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#AsiaRaine #SatanicRitualAbuse #SRA #MormonChurch #Cults #MindControl #Ritual #TammyCuthbertGarcia #NaturallyInspiredPodcast

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