It's Never For the People

2 years ago

With the Democrats it's NEVER for the people, it's ALWAYS about controlling the people. The Democrats and the rest of the left couldn't care less about the people, they only care how they can use them for power.
Biden and the Democrats are not bothered at all by the latest Biden crisis in Del Rio, Texas where over 15,000 mostly Haitians are camping out in squalor under an overpass with temperatures often over one hundred degrees in hopes of getting into the country. The only thing Biden and the rest of the Dems see is future Democrat voters. Biden has no conscience, or at least not a properly formed one.
Biden has also advanced the tired old Democrat narrative of taxing the rich and making them pay their fair share. This is also about power and control. He and the Dems know that taxing the rich harms the economy and thus the so-called "middle class" and poor. That's what they want. The last thing they want is prosperity for them. They want them dependent on government. They want as many as possible trapped on the government dole. Every scheme the Democrats have put forth is about controlling the masses, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare and so many other programs that the left claims are about helping people. It's who they are and have always been. It's how despots have operated throughout history.
The Democrat strategy has worked just as planned. The Democrats get people trapped on these entitlement programs knowing that once they are trapped they will scream to high heaven if the Republicans even try to make changes to the programs, much less phase them out. It's a cruel game they play.
Again, EVERYTHING the Democrats to is about power and control and not helping the people. Evil people they are.

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