My Wife Makes $250k a Month On OnlyFans | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

3 years ago

A COUPLE who made millions on OnlyFans are hitting back at online trolls after being accused of being in a “pimp and prostitute” relationship. Marc and Mia of Somerset, UK make an impressive $250,000 a month from Mia’s OnlyFans page, putting her in the top 0.01 percent of models on the subscription site. But after sharing their story on social media and in the press, Marc and Mia were hit with a firestorm of online negativity, with people accusing Marc of “pimping” his wife. Marc said: “A lot of people say quite hurtful and condescending things. People were telling us, for instance, to get a real job, that Mia is nothing more than an online prostitute, calling me a pimp and a simp. It all essentially followed the rhetoric that that I'm controlling her life, or that she's controlling my life.” Mia added: "I think people got Marc and my relationship totally wrong. He's not a pimp, and not a simp. Our relationship is a team. We work like a team. We both take decisions together and we respect each other." Marc, who’s from the UK, met Mia in South America where he was completing his masters degree and the two quickly fell in love before getting married. After moving to Malta together – one of the only places they could cohabitate as a couple without visa issues – they moved to Marc’s native UK and have been running MIa’s OnlyFans since 2019. Marc celebrated making the equivalent of $1 million USD through the site with a video on social media in early 2021, which went viral before his story was picked up by the press.
Follow Mia on Instagram at
On Twitter: @miakarinaof
And on Tiktok: @justmiakarina1

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