These Moments Will Make You Cry - Soldiers Coming Home

2 years ago

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Home is not a place... it’s a feeling. And this is very true in the lives of our soldiers. One of the hardest parts that come with this job is being deployed to destinations far from their homes. And what is the best part? .... You guessed it right, coming home.

This video compilation documents the homecomings of military troops. What makes it special is that these events are meant as a surprise.

The reactions of their loved ones are precious. These video clips will take you on a roller coaster ride from tears to laughter, among many other emotions.
What we will see from these videos is an overflowing show of love from both parties.

Watch and feel good.

Did you get a feeling of relief watching these videos? These clips are both heart-warming and inspiring. They make you realize that distance doesn’t make the heart forget. And being far away from each other doesn’t mean you’re not home. As long as you carry each other in your hearts, home is there.

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