Lt Gov Candidate Dragged and Body Slammed by Police from County Commission Meeting!

2 years ago

A corrupt tyrannical government does not give police officers & security guards new rights!

NV Republican Lt Gov candidate Mack Miller dragged by police from Clark County Commission meeting!

The candidate was violently thrown into a metal detector during County Committee Meeting. Mack Miller, who is seeking office in Nevada, was literally tossed after officials announced a resolution declaring COVID-19 Vaccine misinformation to be a public health crisis.

The whole incident started when a crowd of attendees erupted in outrage during the committee meeting where a resolution declaring COVID-19 vaccine misinformation to be a public health crisis was announced.

According to the Las Vegas Sun, a commission attorney told the room, “It’s not an ordinance that enacts a punishment for people who feel differently or speak differently than the board’s message today,” but that didn’t stop the crowd from calling it an infringement on their First Amendment rights by a “tyrannical” and “communist” government looking to “kill,” its citizens through forced inoculation.

Protesters may be heard chanting, “masks don’t work,”, as the room erupted in frustration over the unfairness.

Miller may be heard shouting, “I’ll be damned if a security guard, who works for we the people is going to shove me around,” which eventually led to him being violently thrown out.

Mack Miller, Lt. Gov. Candidate, Nevada was tackled and "body slammed" by security and police officers.

He's caressing an injury to his head.

This is beyond ridiculous when it has been scientifically proven that masks don't work, the Covid deaths were extremely over inflated, the vaccin is maiming and killing millions and our corrupt government and all media and most social platforms are cpmplicite in this crime against humanity!

Wake up people!

Our immune system and a few FDA approved for deaces drugs completely cures this genatically modified flu-demic!

No one had to die!

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LVMPD officers, LasVegasSun, Corrupt Government,

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