[Ep. 98] The Daily All Hat, No Cattle News Rodeo

2 years ago

There's bunches o' CCP-V and border news today, including one story that has both. My main focus, however, was one dirt-bag Illinois senator's take on vaccine mandates and state's following the science instead of the idiots at the CDC and the White House. U.S. Senator Richard "Dick" Durbin said on the floor of the Senate today that Republicans are choosing "liberty over life." I guess Dick's never read the account of the Founding Fathers, who stated *in writing* ""And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." Oh well, if a half-pint Democrat says it's more important to bow to an unconstitutional mandate than exemplify the Founding Fathers and put one's liberty first, who am I to judge? I ask aloud if Dick feels the same way about the morbidly obese who choose to overeat and take up $billions in medical care costs every year. Hmm...

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