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Rex the Prophet and Bond Stuff

3 years ago

"You either Quarantine the Evil, or the Evil will Quarantine You." Rex and Trog, on Liberty's Thunder Radio, did a three-hour program based on those words of prophecy written and spoken by Rex Christi. It is time folks, it is time. There can be no negotiation, no acceptance, no lying down and taking the poison, or allowing this government to sequester (Quarantine) healthy people for the sake of a Government Created illness and crisis. It is time to stand up and take back your liberty and we have to act, individually, because the good guys do not control any present political movement. They are all compromised, part of the purposeful chaos or stalling, pacification operations, like the eternal Durham Investigation, the eternal recounts mythology and giant political feelgood rallies. You are being herded to your death, there is an active very real Genocide happening, just as the producers at WSYZ T.V. Channel 7 in Detroit; we cover that, and the HHS healthcare worker whistle blowing Project Veritas introduced two days ago. We cover that also. And the tens of thousands of liberty demonstrators in the streets in Italy and Melbourne, we cover that. And the psychological operation the Military used on vaccine resisters, using material from the Largest Satanist Church in the world. It is a dirty business, and you can't keep your hands clean and survive.
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