What is Happening in the World Today? And What is God Doing About It?

3 years ago

To treat the world as though God does not exist, like his position is vacant, and you can just move in and take over (take ownership of all the people and of the whole creation) is not rational. There is no way such a program can succeed. You can't take something that someone else owns. This is what the global cabal think they can do today. They obviously haven't thought this through. They think they can nominate themselves as gods. It is doomed to failure. God created all things and he redeemed them, so he will fill the world with his glory. He is the owner, for love, for our good, not to make us slaves. The globalists want to kill off most of humanity and make the rest slaves. This is clear in their own writings and documents, including the WEF's documents. Find out for yourself. They want to blame global "catastrophes" for the poverty followed by killings they engineer. They want to take away our farming so we are dependant on them. God is the only one we can trust: every institution today is corrupt. God is coming to renew his creation. You better be on the right side of history.

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