Heartbroken Pastor Speaks Out After Her Son’s Death - 1 Day After Pfizer

3 years ago

Pfizer 17th September
Died 18th September One day after from a Massive Stroke

Heartbroken Pastor Speaks Out After Her Son’s Death 1 Day After He Received The Pfizer Vaccine

The son of a well-known Trinidad pastor has died 1 day after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The son of Marva Paschier got his shot on September 17th. He suffered a massive stroke later the same day. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on September 18th.

Peschier took to Facebook to state that her son had received his COVID-19 vaccine on Friday and that night “he fell off his bed with a massive stroke with bleeding in his head. He was bleeding in his brain. This afternoon (Saturday) I went down to the hospital and they pronounced him dead,” she said.

“I am sending a message to Prime Minister Rowley and I am telling you to stop this nonsense because it’s killing people…my son is dead because he took the vaccine,” she added.

The relevant health officials have been “instructed” to meet with Pastor Marva Peschier

Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram said yesterday he had asked the relevant regional health authority (RHA) to meet with the late young man’s family and disclose the findings of a preliminary report.

The CMO also disclosed that another, similar incident had taken place within the jurisdiction of another RHA and he had asked the authorities to meet with the families.

Trinidad and Tabago

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