2 of 3 DCE Symposium Dr Mike Yeadon massive attack upon fellow researchers calling for them to quit.

2 years ago

2 of 3 DCE Symposium Dr Mike Yeadon massive attack upon fellow researchers calling for them to quit.

Full Episode

A Symposium over 2 days https://doctors4covidethics.org/videos/
Hosted by https://ukcolumn.org

Doctors are also exposed as neglecting to question the contents of the vaccines. Doctors and health professionals come under attack Dr Yeadon suggesting they should urgently consider their positions and leave the profession having failed to protect peoples health. By ignoring safety data they have actually put people in danger.

No one knows how the spike proteins will react within each individual. The out come cannot be benign. Serious damage to peoples health and deaths are inevitable as a result of the gene modifying jab.

Dr Michael Yeadon and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi


Catherine Austin Fitts, Investment Banker, Former Adviser to George Bush
The Solari Report

Taylor Hudak, Independant Journalist

Brian Gerrish, Uk Column Editor and Founder,

Patrick Henningsen
Uk Column Managing Editor, Founder

Prof. Michael Meyer
University of Munich

This section sees the panel discuss how best to tackle the enemy. The governments around the world are using main stream media to pump out propaganda on a global scale. Never been known before. There is a psyops undergoing which is unlawful to be practised on the general public.

Brian Gerrish UK Column points out the 'enemy' is invincible and in order to defeat it we must identify it and understand it.

I believe the NEW MEDIA must spring from the multi faceted alternative news on social media, we have to work together much more and use our massive network to make it impossible for the enemy to silence us from revealing the truth.

Keep up with my posts on the following outlets:-

DuneDrifter, https://www.rumble.com/
https://www.brighteon.com/channels/Topical Digest

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