A Corrupt Political Agenda - Reading Between the Lions Part 6

2 years ago

In this episode, we tackle another very familiar story in Scripture - Daniel in the Lion's Den. This story has been retold so many times and in so many "cutesy" ways that it has become more fairy tale than theology! But this is way more than a story of how God saved Daniel from getting eaten by lions.

Daniel chapter 6 shows us that politics matter. They mattered for Daniel and the rest of the Jews at that time, and they matter for us now. Many Christian brothers and sisters all over the world face persecution and discrimination every day. For us in the United States, it is a very new concept. A year and a half ago we would never have believed that the government would recommend closing our church doors to flatten the curve of a virus spread. What happens if they decide they want to do that again, for as long as they want to. What if they require vaccine passports to go to church? What if they decide you always have to wear a mask and can never sing in church? We would never have believed that in Canada people would be arrested and churches would lose their property because of government laws telling them they could not meet. Are we prepared to meet the obstacles and persecution that may be coming our way?

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