BREAKING! DHHS nurse blows whistle on clot shot!

2 years ago

This bombshell video was released by  P r o j e c t   V e r i t a s  just over 24 hours ago. When I last checked (after six hours), it had already had 1.2 million views on YouTube and had been deleted swiftly by Facebook and Instagram.  I knew it would only be a matter of time before YouTube deleted it as well, so I prepared this copy with a view to to re-upload it onto uncensored platforms for those who were unfortunate enough to miss it.  I mashed it up with a very short clip of how   P r o j e c t   V e r i t a s '   J a m e s  O ' K e e f e    responded to the Zuckerberg deletion just after it happened (first 30 or so seconds, inserted before the main part).

In the 13-minute main section, which is still only part one of two (the second part is to be released tomorrow), a highly educated nurse who works for the US Department of Heath and Human Services, blows the whistle on how dangerous the  v a c c i n e  truly is, providing damning hidden camera footage and analysis of the hospital she works in, thereby rendering her claims absolutely irrefutable on every level.

Finally it seems as though the truth is starting to come out.

This is the video your government does not want you to see.  Therefore, you should watch it from start to finish.

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