MEDICAL Tyranny Costing Lives

3 years ago

Whistleblower doctors, nurses, attorneys, patient advocates, and journalists expose egregious abuses and neglect of patients in hospitals across the United States treating COVID patients. Shocking medical tyranny stories to be presented show how hospitals are becoming the equivalent of medical jails where patient’s rights are violated and life-saving care denied. Prisoners in America's jails have more visitation rights than do COVID patients in America's hospitals.

One of the most unconscionable violations of human rights by an American hospital involves Veronica Wolski, a well-known Chicago Freedom advocate. Her heartbreaking story will be shared by her advocates during the news conference. Once hospitalized, she was administered treatments she had refused, denied proper basic medical care that could have been life-saving, and was not allowed to leave the hospital when she and her attorneys demanded release. Veronica died alone as a medical prisoner when her advocate removed by hospital security.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, President and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity, moderates the Press Conference. Experts include Dr. Peter McCullough, Attorney Thomas Renz, Nancy Ross as Healthcare Power of Attorney for Veronica Wolski who tragically died in Chicago's Resurrection Hospital after being denied requested medical treatments and denied release to home Hospice. LifeSite co-founder John-Henry Westen will provide introductory remarks. Other presenters are Dr. Harpal Mangat, Foundation Director of the Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Program, Constitutional and Civil Rights Attorney Lauren Martel, Journalist Graham Ledger, Tea Party Patriots Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin.

Experts discuss other hospital violations of human rights, including even violations of the Geneva Convention codes, established following World War II to prevent abuses of prisoners:
• Patients are coerced to take experimental drugs like Remdesivir and be placed on ventilators, both of which pay added incentive payments and create huge profits for hospitals.
• Patients are being denied routine treatments of their choice, such as IV vitamins, inhaled and IV corticosteroids, antibiotics, and therapeutic doses of anticoagulants.
• Independent autopsies paid for by concerned family members have confirmed cause of death due to inadequate anticoagulation, even when family members have gone to court to demand therapeutic doses for their loved ones.
• Patients are isolated for long periods of time against their wishes, even beyond CDC guidelines, a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
• Patients are denied interaction with their pastors, priests, rabbis, family members, and attorneys.
• Hospitals are using law enforcement to deny access to hospital grounds for family, attorneys, and healthcare power of attorney advocates.

Patients and parents will speak to lack of information about the serious risks of the COVID "vaccine" shots, lack of information on benefits of early treatments, and lack of access to medicines for early treatment because the medical and corporate news industry is censoring that information and persecuting physicians and other health professionals trying to properly carry out their duty to inform patients of medical risks and the full range of treatment options.

“Medical Freedom: Stop the Medical Tyranny” shines a light on the abuses taking place at hospitals, schools, businesses and health systems all across the country. Whistleblower patient advocates, volunteer courageous doctors, nurses risk their careers, their licenses, livelihoods and even their lives as they courageously speak out to inform the public with this crucial information.

Sign up at to support our efforts to fight Medical Tyranny in all its forms. Join our Crusade of the Voiceless. We are SILENT NO MORE.

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