The Big Lie - Why the Rich get Richer & the Poor Stay Poor

2 years ago

It's the big lie and you can break the cycle. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor as the rich objective thinkers make the poor believe they need the rich instead of the rich needing the poor - the masses. They need the poor to be rich. That's the story. Two sides to everything and in the end you choose.
The majority of the rich see life objectively and deny the first Principle/Law. They know the laws but not this one or they ignore it. Some do think with their hearts though. They are very kind and grateful and patient.
The rich need the poor to be rich. There is no 'rich' without the 'poor' so they consciously or unconsciously instill hatred, greed, jealousy and envy into the masses against the rich effectively keeping the poor poor and making themselves rich and richer.
They accept they are rich - no matter what. The poor want to be rich.
Accept you are rich. I AM Wealthy. Then know it will come to you in some wonderful way. It doesn't matter if you are a butcher or baker. You are rich in ALL ways and that means monetarily, financially as you are a child of God and he always says yes. Don't let your imagination run wild and start hating on the rich.
When you are rich it is easy to go shopping and say hmm I love that. I accept that.
When one is struggling it's not so easy to get that feeling of being rich and accepting instead of a wanting. That is what keeps it away.
I accept not I want. Walk in confidence, not arrogance, and the world will hand you riches.
Educate yourself. Know these laws of mind. Don't ignore the first one - the most important one - and you will always have all your needs and desires met in every moment of time and space. Love the rich. Rich/Poor are just two sides of the coin.
Be happy they are a success in life and that God has showered his prosperity and abundance on them. Be sincere. Then it all comes to you too.
It's a boomerang. You don't have to accept what they say, do or think. You do have to love them regardless. Being rich is a state of mind. Fill your mind up with the riches of life and riches will come to you.

Hope this helps and blessings to you!
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