Marijuana Ordinance Approval NEWS!

2 years ago

Agenda read: Second Reading and Approval Marihuana Business Ordinance

Every step of the way, the ordinance kept advancing with 5-2 votes. So that night I had no reason to expect anything other than the measure being adopted in spite of my emails, public participation at commission meetings, and efforts to get others to voice concern/disapproval.

Feeling a check about sending the commissioners one last email before the Mount Clemens City Commission Meeting, I ate dinner and prepared to go to City Hall, a short distance from my home.

The 7-0 roll call to table the ordinance for further discussion did NOT come about the way I would have wished or imagined. However, "we'll take what we can get!"
Spread the Word! Call to Action- use the template email or (create your own) and let the Commission KNOW how marijuana business/events invasion will adversely our little town and our children.

Fundación Efraín – Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry through its WordPress blogs, discipleship material, and sharing God’s Word.

Fundación Efraín – capacitando a los santos para la obra del ministerio a través de sus entradas en el blog de WordPress, material de discipulado, y compartir la Palabra de Dios.

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