The Fall Feast of the Lord E19 The Feast of Tabernacles 1

3 years ago

Today we start to delve into our Messiah's birth and the prophecies that were fulfilled related to He being "The Branch." I correlate this with the constellation "Betulah" (Virgo) and how she plays in intergral part in the signs of the skies and the conjunction of the stars upon Yeshua's birth. In Betulah's hand is a BRANCH with 5 shoots. These are symbolic of the 5 fold ministry of the Messiah which were illustrated in the Gospels as each gospel focused on one of the 5 shoots or personalities of Yeshua that were prophetic in nature. I use the Chronological Gospels as reference. We also learn that we too, are a shoot, (netzar) but not off of the root of Jesse, but off of the root of The Moshiach, Yeshua.
Sukkot this year (The Feast of Tabernacles) will be starting at sundown on the 22 of September. This first day IS JESUS REAL BIRTHDAY, and I celebrate it as such. The Feast of Tabernacles is also a shadow picture of the prophesy of our wedding feast and week in heaven, thus fullfilling prophesy after we are reserrected out of here at Yeshua's second coming.
Chronological Gospels can be found here:
A authentic calendar can be found here: This calendar will go all the way from spring months into June so it is worth the buy now.
The Mazaroth teaching:

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