A Valuable Lesson With Dr. Cole: Digestion (Acid Production & Your Digestion)

2 years ago

Can we talk about digestion for a minute?

Specifically, I'd like to talk about acid production.

When people have a problem like heartburn or acid reflux or GERD, they assume that they have too much acid production.

It's actually the opposite‼️

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Twice a week, I meet with my clients. They have a chance to ask any questions they have, voice any concerns, and get even more valuable information about their health.

In this video clip, I took the opportunity to discuss digestion and acid production, because these mechanisms are really misunderstood by most people...

...and that's why they're popping antacids and taking stomach meds without seeing any change in their condition. 😕 😕 😕

Give it a watch and see if it's possible to learn something new!

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