Video from July 30, 2021- Citizens Rage Against Arkansas Governor And Medical Tyranny

3 years ago


Citizens Rage Against Arkansas Governor And Medical Tyranny

☑PCR test set above 35 cycles gives 90% or more fraudulent results.

☑Government, business, and hospitals are mass testing the healthy with a fraudulent test.

☑The fully vaccinated are catching COVID-19 all around the world.

☑The experimental gene therapies have more reported adverse advents and deaths than all other vaccines combined.

☑Decades of attempts at coronavirus vaccines have failed because vaccines are ineffective against respiratory viruses.

☑ Meta-analysis shows ivermectin, vitamin d, and zinc are an effective treatment with known long term safety profiles.

☑Lockdowns kill people and mask mandates are anti-science.

Rise up people.

Anyone aiding and abetting this communist takeover of our country and our planet must be held accountable.

Reposted from West Coast News

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