09.21.21 - TwoSistas - TriumphTuesday

2 years ago

TwoSistas, TriumphTuesday and it's International Day of Peace. A little history - the UN General Assembly established the International Day of Peace in 1981 - today it is 41 years old. Such a great topic to segway into TriumphTuesday - a poem read by Carroll-Sue written by her mother-in-law, Dorothy Rehm and isn't it ironic not knowing how we open our themed days that this poem happens to show up on Carroll-Sue's desk - it's no a coincidence - that was meant to happen! Setting boundaries and limiting your exposure and when the good of social media helps to solve or bring forth a key piece of evidence. We all know that setting boundaries is a MUST - we must realize that it is okay to say "NO" - NO is a complete sentence and needs no explanation - that is something to triumph about!

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