Real Talk with Jay: Robert Antonellis (TIDNY)

2 years ago

Jay the Patriot has a guest appearance of Robert Antonellis, Boston-Based Author, Investigative Research and Engineer, The author of the website, revealed the TRUMP Card at the July 2021 CPAC in Dallas and if we make some noise, Nancy may have a Jonestown Problem real soon, after all she should have one. It's Checkmate on how to get Trump back into the White House, Trump in Days Not Years, known as TIDNY.

As a result of the massive truth bomb, Robert was met with some Mainstream Media opposition and handled it righteously. hey he's not going to apologize before doing what you so-called journalists should be doing, your job! The American people deserves the truth, so let go of ego-driven jealousy and try some real research journalism?

Robert also provides a teaser of what's to come in future guest appearance's, of discussing the Satanic underpinnings of events leading up to the 9/11 attacks, that took a total of 2,996 people, citizens of 78 countries'. The information on the 9/11 attacks have been declassified and we intend to provide our fellow Americans the truth about the events of that day, when so many lost their lives due to home grown terrorism.

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