Straight Shooting News w/ Bandana Ed - Sept 19 - Freedom vs Military and Medical Propaganda

2 years ago

Straight Shooting News 9 19 2021
Freedom vs The Military and Medical Complex Propaganda

Tonight we connect the most important news of the week and tie it into a bow.
It is time to prepare for every possible thing that may come our way from all directions. Get real or become another casualty of The Military and Medical Industrial Complex and the Propaganda hat has been coming our way for decades or more.

In previous shows we explained the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, which made propaganda legal to use on all Americans in 2013, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t used prior to that.

We also laid out a documented timeline on how the The Military and Medical Industrial Complex teamed up and intensified the efforts at the turn of the century. Between creating new Coronaviruses and the so-called cures while at the same time the Military ran Emergency Drills to address the problems they created by developing these Bio Weapons.

We also connected the dots previously on how these unholy alliances have a Depopulation Agenda to rid the world of what they consider Useless Eaters – you and me. The evidence is all documented.

We also exposed how just because anyone has the word “Doctor” in front of their name means they are qualified to make any Medical decisions for us.

We begin with the latest MSM clip from Doctor Bridle a Virologist and independent researcher on these jabs governments all over the world are trying to force on us.

Next, propaganda and the media, with well-respected professor and California farmer Victor Davis Hanson explaining how dangerous Communist China is to the Free World, and how the U.S. is being destroyed from within and out, why, and the forces behind it.

Important clip on artificial intelligence, designed to enslave the world and future generations. Parents need to be aware!

Distractions: Budget Bill? Attack in Afghanistan? Border Invasion? Any changes? All part of the Plan to takedown the US!

Ingraham Angle w/ Dr. Bridle; safety in pregnancy study was done on rats …
Mandates! Health Care Issues coming our way - first responders will not accept the risk.(Nurse quits job, due to data. Concludes with ‘it’s terrifying’)

What is taking place is NOT incompetence but well-thought out plan and lies. The border, Gen Milley, drone strikes, fencing off the Capitol

The Woodward and Costa Book:
Mark Levin shreds reporters and authors for sitting on explosive Milley story:

FYI: I have had major disagreements with Levin about the CON Con proposals he has supported in the past.

Victor Davis Hanson on Communist China
Full Lecture for reference only:

Australia is catching on. China's reaction to the new AUKUS alliance and Australia's nuclear-powered submarine deal has been "so predictable" that it's "almost theatrical," according to Sky News host Chris Kenny

Last week we referenced how retina recognition technology was behind identifying Americans and American friendlies in Afghanistan.

Watch closely for comparisons to the Nazis and AI surveillance. Secure Identity Alliance: biometrics data: global PPP’s and your future freedoms:

Keep that in mind as you watch these protests, and that an Aussie protestor was arrested from a scan.

First, the propaganda voice over:



Police State Melbourne Australia:

Australia Major Police Operation; contract tracers?

Tel Aviv:

In DC, protesters outnumbered by the media 3 to 1; media outnumbered by police 5 to 1.
Better turnouts at the Mass State House in Boston for Constitution Day and in Nashua NH than in DC.

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