Prepare For Anything .. The Reptillian Apocolypse

3 years ago

9/20/2021 Apocolypse

There are laws going to be out in place that are against our constitutional rights because that won't matter as the elite, the Fallen Angels /Reptillians don't care what happens to humanity as their goal is 500,000 for their new world order.

If you are not prepared for what is coming you will not survive. Medical will be closed off you will need to have a medical plan in your family to have everything you need for any situation whether it be nuclear, EMP, Closed medical without taking the ‼️ Mark.

No buy No sale as Jesus Warned you In Book of Revelations. You should have seeds on hand if you need to plant food. Plenty of water as the rich have been buying the water companies up and the impending droughts , wells drying up.

Remember what is at stake here... Your Spirit Your Soul and Eternal Life or your choice of Damnation. Demons continue to take control of vessels.

If you have not yet invited Jesus and have not taken the Mark of the Beast 💉 I implore you to do so today and choose the Divine Light ✨ Against the Principalities we face and the God of this World Yaldabaoth/Samuel aka Satan, Elohim, Yahweh,Yehova ,Baal, Moloch and many more.

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 😇🗡️⚡🎺🔥

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