A Sincerely Held Faith Belief: "The Power of Christ Compels You!" No. I'm Axing.

2 years ago


Pew Research Center has surveys on politics, thoughts about the paranormal, statistics who who believes in life on other planets and various topics of human interest, but there is not even one study on the influence of Satan, even after they stood up a robust collection capability at some time prior to December 2019, to collect and analyze the online sermons from only the 318,000 Christian churches, and discovered, before pandemic, that only about 60,000 possessed an online capability, but no Democrat governor who told churches to go online looked at a Pew Research Center report? Monique O'Grady, who decided to leave the Arlington Public School Board was hired by Pew to do public relations immediately after winning a seat on the School Board, departing AARP--a pattern very common, like Tania Talento who began on the Board as a legal secretary, and suddenly got hired as a policy specialist.

And, today, when even Christian Broadcasting Network has programs expressing that they don't even believe that 60% of Americans are more than Christians in Name Only, a decade ago, 93% of Christians worldwide claimed to be "born again" by age 17 for faith leaders, on average, with those born to evangelicals "saved" by 14, and others by age 20, but only 25% described themselves as Pentecostal, and only 31% described themselves as charismatic Christians, and only less than half, "fundamentalist" or "scriptural literalists". Still, 47% had spoken in tongues, 57% had witnessed an exorcism type removal of a demon 61% had a direct revelation from God, 76% had witnessed or performed a faith healing and 40% had interpreted prophecy.

But, two decades ago, while 61% of all Christians believed it was their duty to spread the Gospel, while wearing sports logos and rooting for candidates still is not perceived as being inconsiderate or counterproductive--and certainly not promoting vaccines--that great thing of salvation in their lives was different. 56% believed that prayer was effective, but only six percent preferred a prayer that mentioned the word "Jesus", while 53% preferred a prayer that was a moment of silence.

And ya wonder how there has been a decline in faith, right?

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