Our cats play with each other, the little cat offends the older cat

2 years ago

Our cats play with each other, the little cat offends the older cat.
This is how our little cat Seri attacks the older cat.
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In some cases, fussing cats can turn into aggression for one reason or another. For example, if one cat wants to play and the other does not, or if the playing styles do not match.
A common reason cats can be aggressive is inadequate energy expenditure, especially in young animals. If they have no other outlet for energy, they can annoy other cats, annoy them, and incur aggressive behavior. Cats are carnivores that are born to move. Give your cats time each day. Play with them for at least half an hour a day. If cats don't get along, play with each one individually so they don't compete with each other. If cats have other ways to satisfy their need for stimulation, they may be less likely to use each other as wrestling opponents.

If your cats usually get along, but have a tendency to overdo it a little when playing together and show symptoms of aggressive behavior, then you should watch them (without fanaticism, of course). You must learn to detect when the game starts to turn into aggression and separate cats before they start hurting each other. Throw a ping pong ball, toss treats on the floor, and shake a fishing rod next to them to distract them from each other and calm down a bit.

Fussing and playing are necessary for cats, and your task is to make sure that the games are correct and do not harm the cats. If you know your pets well, then it will not be difficult for you to distinguish between play and aggression. If you still cannot understand the behavior of cats, then you should contact a specialist, because finding cats in constant conflict can affect not only their psychological state, but also their health.
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