Balancing Nails Trick 🛠️ Before I Continue Investigating, Some People Need to First Believe in God.

3 years ago

✎ My name is Andrew, a Christian Graphic Designer from Northern England, UK - and also, a Watchman for the Lord!

Subscribe to my channel for videos on 666 - The Mark of the Beast, Dreams, Visions, and more Christian Stuff.

I DO NOT run ads on my channel and I'm NOT here to make money. If an ad appears, it’s because YouTube have auto-matched content from others’ videos and I do Not make money from this channel.

★ Want to know more about Jesus Christ? Read this:

★ Recommended: Watch Pastor Patrick Winfrey's videos on YouTube. Great for Christians and non-Christians alike -- this great man will tell you the truth! Channel Link:

★ ———— Copyrights ———— ★

This may be a screencast of my desktop showing images/video - some from Google image search - as seen on the internet. All images that appear in the screencast are copyright © their respective holders and shown under the premise of the "Fair Use" copyright law. For educational uses only. Please feel free to redistribute and republish this video. Opinions are my own and I never engage in 'hate speech'. In this video and others in the series, I do not make accusations -- I just voice my opinions on matters and may use copyrighted material found on the internet to make my case known and opinions heard.

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